
What are the ways by which the travel sector can revive its prospects post COVID-19 pandemic?

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The world has been reeling down under the deadly effects of COVID-19 or Corona virus. Lives lost, hopes shattered, jobs axed and businesses in the doldrums, the world is going through the motions. The travel sector, of all business sectors, has taken the most punches left, right and centre. And it seems as if there will be no respite from it. But there are ways by which travel sector can revive itself and emerge stronger.

The need of the hour is a standard travel policy to facilitate travel by air, sea or road. It is imperative that travellers and tourists follow the guidelines and travel policies religiously to safeguard themselves from the effects of COVID-19 in future. The guidelines must cover social distancing, hygiene and protocol followed in public places such as airports, railway stations, bus stops, travel booking and support centres, etc.

Next comes hygiene, the protocol must stress the importance of hygiene as only proper personal and public hygiene, in addition to cleanliness can keep COVID-19 and other infections at bay. Is wearing a face mask essential at all times? Should travellers carry hand sanitizers with them? What should the COVID-19 travel kit contain? What are the safety and precautionary medical tests that will be in place at public places? What are the medical tests that the traveller has to undergo to ensure travel permit? What are the documents that are required for travel permit from a COVID-19 perspective? Do kids require special permit to travel? If so, what are the regulations that will be in place? These are some of the questions and more that the travel policy should encompass for future travel prospects post COVID-19 crisis.

Finally, what are the safety and hygiene standards to be followed by hotels and restaurants? What are the standards to be adopted by the hotel staff and employees? What are the standards to be followed in the commercial kitchen of hotels and restaurants? Does the hotel or the restaurant need to adopt takeaway as a mandatory feature and more. Online/Mobile booking and digital payment modes must be promoted by the Government for public to stay away from infection.