Vaishnodevi Temple

Departure Date



4 Days



Maximum Seats


Vaishnodevi temple in Jammu is the second most visited pilgrim in India after Tirupati. This temple is an abode of goddess Durga. The temple attracts about 8 million devotees every year. This holy temple is located in a cave in the Trikurta Mountain in the lower himalayas. The best way to reach this place is to travel through Katra, the nearest town. Horses and palanquins are available to this place where people usually go by walk. Helicopter services have also become a part of the journey for the last couple of years.

Book Tour

Tour Name Price Per Adult Price Per Child Available Seats Departure Date Duration
Vaishnodevi Temple 9,800.00 1,000.00 10 Anytime 4 Days

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