Nestled in the quaint and quiet hill station of Kodaikanal is Bryant Park, a botanical park and nature’s boon to the students of botany.
Located on the eastern side of the popular Kodaikanal Lake, the park houses a plethora of flowers, grafts and hybrids.
Cut flowers from the Bryant Park are famous for their export variety and wide range.
The park, which is located in the Lower Shola Road, also has a glasshouse containing exquisite varieties of flowers, an instant attention grabber among locals and visitors.
The famous flower show organized in the park, part of the grand summer festival, pulls in tourists in large numbers, in addition to those interested in learning botanical sciences.
The annual show is organized by the Department of Horticulture and displays several varieties of flowers and vegetables which are sourced from nearby hamlets.
Prizes are awarded to the best contributors and exhibitors in different categories in the various contests held during the annual flower show.
The Bryant Park is considered as one of the best practical centres for learning and education in Tamilnadu on Ornamental Horticulture, and also serves as a demonstration centre.
Here students who pursue Horticulture are taught various methods of pruning, training, grating, budding and potting seed collection, among others.
The park is a great place to hang out, stroll along and relax at the backdrop of lush ravishing green.
There are many places to swing by in the gorgeous hill station of Kodaikanal including Berijam Lake, Kurinjiandavar Temple, Coaker’s Walk, Kodaikanal Lake, Pillar Rocks, Green Valley View/Suicide Point, Devil’s Kitchen, Silent Valley View, Pine Forest, Guna Caves, Silver Cascade, Shanthi Valley, Kukal Cave, Shenbaganur Museum, Telescope House and many others.
While you’re in Kodaikanal, avoid visiting the Bryant Park at your own risk.