
Solo travel tips for women

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Travelling solo as a women traveler can be both exciting and challenging as it has its own risks. But you definitely got hope to avoid those risks by being cautious about the place you travel. Women travelers often find themselves in challenging situations like theft and harassment. But by taking a little extra effort in educating yourself about the place you travel will help you to pre-plan and gives you all the time you need to get geared up for the travel. Here are some useful tips that will enable you to have a safe and enjoyable travel.

Be confident:

Get rid of your fears and try to be confident. When you are in a foreign country, don’t give chances to strangers by being vulnerable. Put up a confident attitude and make an impression that you are well aware about the place. Keep a local map handy so that you can refer for directions whenever you need. In case you are lost, know where to approach. Do not ask directions to strangers. Approach another woman or a family or a shop or a well crowded place to get directions.

Be resourceful:

When you are on foreign grounds, dress like a local. Try to learn a few important words of their colloquial language so that you can use them to confront locals the right way. Always have some money with you. Have the map handy. Have some of the local emergency numbers like the police which might help you in case something goes wrong.

Avoid night strolls:

Avoid touring at night. If you want to go out, tour the place in the daytime. Going out at night can be very dangerous for you as a solo female traveler. No matter wherever you go, know the directions to reach your place of stay. If you want to use the ATM, use it only during the daytime. Also use an ATM located in a crowded area.

Say no to cabs:

You could be surrounded by compelling cab drivers. Be careful not to go in these local cabs which are totally unsafe. Use the public transport system like the bus or train. They also charge nominally and are extremely safe for you.

Choose good hotels:

When you choose your accommodation, be sure not to go for hotels located away from the city. Always opt for well-known hotels located within the city. If it is somewhere closer to the local police station or hospital, it would be fine.

Update your social status:

Always make it a point to leave the breadcrumbs of your travel. Post your pictures then and there on your regular social media platforms. Inform your family beforehand about this and give them a timeframe. Ask them to check it on a daily basis and if you don’t post anything for more than 4 days that means something is wrong. This will allow your family and friends to know your whereabouts. In case something goes wrong, your people will be able to track you from these vital clues.

Follow these simple tips to enjoy a safe and interesting travel.