The outbreak of one of the worst pandemics in the history of mankind has made the world to rethink travel in every sense. Travel & tourism, the worst affected sector by a long way, has every reason to worry about in the immediate future. When COVID-19 was successfully able to change the very face of Travel, what hasn’t really changed is the way travel can change the way you think.

In a world, in all its complexities and divides, don’t you think that travel is not unifying humanity irrespective of race, nationality, caste, creed and religion? Travel, since the dawn of civilization, has brought the world together. When globalization was the most talked about subject in the last decade of the 20th century, and when all nations were gearing themselves to take stock of globalization, the travel and tourism sector expanded rapidly adding strength to the impact of globalization in a new ‘borderless’ world. It reiterated the point that the ‘world is a global village’, and after all it’s not a bad place to stay!
Travel, over the years, has killed isolation and boredom, and the resultant depression out of it. There is a reason why a traveler is also a wanderer. It is actually the mind that wanders from one place to another, of course besides the physical displacement. For an ardent traveler, learning and absorbing new cultures, traditions and practices is fun, and form a part of his or her learning edifice. For instance, to study the different types of coffee in India, one has to travel across the length and breadth of the country and visit Coorg, Kodagu and Chikmagualur in Karnataka or the lovely hill stations of Wayanad in Kerala or the Nilgiris in Tamilnadu or the coffee plantation gardens of Tripura. Diverse it may sound in terms of geography and history, but learning (in the right way) never stops. Travel opens the door to learning on a deeper level. We will continue discussing more in the subsequent part of the blog.