
Green business travel tips for frequent business travellers

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Do you consider your impact when you travel for pleasure, work or a combination of both – “bleisure”. Travelling employees go around different places several times a month for business seeing new places and relishing local foods, but do they actually have any idea of how much it would have impacted the planet.  Here are some easy to use tips for green business travel:

business travellers


  • Teleconference:
    Before you plan a business trip and decide if it is actually necessary, check with the client or customer in question if he is okay with a teleconference or a Skype call. If so, a simple tele-or video-conference call can save you a lot of time, expenses, while reducing the adverse environmental impact.
  • Take the bus or train:
    If there is any chance of your taking a train or a bus instead of a flight to your destination? If so, it would have a positive impact on the environment.
  • Fly non-stop
    When a train is not a choice, fly non-stop; with non-stop travel the emission is reduced by up to 50 percent.
  • Schedule back-to-back trips
    If you need to cover a number of cities, try to schedule back to back trips. While this can be a bit taxing, you will save on time and resources by not flying back home halfway through the tour.
  • Take public transportation to go around:
    Once you are at your destination, take advantage of public transportation to move around. In some cities, taking the metro or subway can prove faster than a cab dodging through the traffic. Public transportation has improved tremendously in most major world cities and it’s a fab way to travel.
  • Get in an Ecocab:
    Most major international cities now have eco cabs and hybrid taxis. If you must hire a cab or taxi, check if it suits your bill.
  • Share your ride:
    If you must travel with co-workers, you can plan your travel at the same time in such a way that you can share the ride, be it rental cars or taxi cabs.
  • Go for a hybrid rental car:
    If the only option in hand is to go for a hybrid rental car, ensure the associated rental costs lies within a firm’s or organization’s per diem; also, you can substantiate savings claims with reduced gas costs.
  • Stay in a Green hotel:
    Green hotels come as an excellent option for business or corporate travel.

Finally, always remember the three phrases that sums up green travel: “reduce, reuse, recycle”.