We’ve already seen in the previous blog how business travel has been successful in triggering stronger connections and forging business links across the world. Business executives, especially at the enterprise level, understand the importance of a ‘borderless world’, where trade and commerce cross national borders and acquire a transnational character. Trade globalization back in the 90’s impacted international business strategies, thereby redefining business diversity. Business travel proved indispensable to the growth of the global economy, not just in the pursuit of maintaining corporate networks, but also because of the related economies that meet the everyday requirements of the business traveller.

The need to increase air travel routes and infrastructure has never been as pressing as now, especially in the US, Asian and the EU regions. This surge in global economy over the years and the rise of emerging economies have led to direct and indirect job opportunities in the travel and hospitality sectors. All said it is a highly connected world, and anything that limits connectivity in terms of travel, interface and communication can kill growth opportunities, to say the least. That is why business travel is a critical operation not just at the enterprise or organization level but for any country to realize the aspirations of international trade intensifications.
Any business to thrive in this global economy must travel and travel extensively to search for greener pastures. And today businesses have understood the importance of exploring new geographies for trade. The market undoubtedly is wide and open. Think local and act global is the new norm. Furthermore, no longer are businesses are competing for space in the market share. The mantra is collaboration and co-creation with global partners and delivery centres. An inclusive business policy should include a dynamic travel policy that allows key executives and selected staff members of a company to travel and fulfil its intended objectives. We will see more about travel policy in the concluding part of the blog.