
Are you a First Time Passport Applicant? What You Need to Know

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Are you applying for a passport for the first time? You probably might have heard gruelling stories of the ordeal of getting a passport in India, thanks to the bureaucratic red tape at every passport office. We understand you would have been craving to go on an international tour. No worries. How times are changing! Getting into a long line and waiting to apply for a passport is a thing of the past. The process today is much more streamlined and the system more transparent, and therefore applying for a passport presents no hassle as you imagine. Here are the things you need to know about passport services.

Apply Online

Visit www.passportindia.gov.in, the web platform of Passport Seva. It is fast and effective. Considered the bible for everything involving a travel passport, you’ll find all the basic information required on how to apply for a passport and the various forms that are required to fill all in one.

Order, Order, Order!

While you’re filling out the form, you will need to make sure that all supporting documents including identity proof, birth certificate and residential proof are in order. 

Make an Appointment

After you’ve registered online, submit the application and got all your paperwork in place, visit the nearest Passport Service Kendra or PSK. It is important to make an appointment with any PSK; payment can be made through online banking, debit card, bank challan or credit card. In the event of cancellation or rescheduling of an appointment, you will be able to do so twice within a stipulated period of one year of your first appointment.  

Visiting Passport Service Kendra

On your scheduled appointment day, ensure you carry all your original supporting documents in addition to two photocopies of each. Remember that all your documents should be in order, and if they aren’t, or if anything further is needed, you may need to revisit the Passport Service Kendra. You may also do so on the basis of the walk-in procedure within three working days from the date and time of the appointment. 

Police Verification Process

When all the documents have been submitted to the PSK, there will be a police verification wherein all or some of the information stated on the form will be subjected to verification. As part of the process, the police from the local station will visit the address stated on the form.

Delivery of New Passport

There is a time limit of 30 days for issuing new passports by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) from the submission date to the PSK. The passport will be delivered to the applicant in person by the postal department.

Tatkaal Passports

If you need to travel urgently for which a passport will be required within 1-7 working days, you may go for a Tatkaal passport. The PSK website offers all the required details and information when you apply for a Tatkaal passport.

Passport Renewal

If your passport has expired or misplaced or damaged, you’re left with the only option to reapply for a passport. If you’re already an Indian passport holder, you will not have to go through police verification again. In that case, you will receive your passport within 15 days of submitting the documents to the Passport Service Kendra.

If you’re looking for passport services in Coimbatore today, don’t go further than Emperor Traveline.